Keynote speakers

Alistair Starling
Co-Founder and Managing Director of the European Diplomats
Luís Sebastião
Associate Professor in the Department of Pedagogy and Education, Director of the Center for Research in Education and Psychology, University of Évora
Dimitris Pnevmatikos
Professor in the Department of Psychology, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Western Macedonia
Erika Vaiginienė
Associate professor in the Department of Business, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Vilnius University
Inga Jončienė
Head of Business Development at Alliance for Recruitment
Adam Mastandrea
Assistant Professor in the Department of Foreign Language Teaching and Research, Institute of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Philology, Vilnius University
Daiva Penkauskienė
Director of Modern Didactics Center, Associate Professor in the Institute of Educational Sciences and Social Work, Mykolas Romeris University
Sandra Kairė
Associate Professor, Director of the Institute of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Philosophy, Vilnius University
Kay Hemmerling
Dr Kay Hemmerling, Chairman at the Institute for Moral-Democratic Competence (IMDC e.V.)
Filipa Tirapicos, Hugo Rebelo, Luís Sebastião & Rita Payan-Carreira
Hard Skills vs Soft Skills: Cross-perspectives of Trainers, Employers and Trainees
Panagiota Christodoulou & Anastasios Papanikolaou
Critical Reflections: Student Teachers' Critical Thinking Competencies in the Context of Education for Sustainable Development
Rūta Petkutė
Are Contemporary Universities Venues for Critical Thought? Conceptual and Empirical Insights
Daiva Jakavonytė-Staškuvienė & Jolita Kudinovienė
Action Research-based Practice as a Basis for Developing Critical Thinking in Primary School Pupils
Rasa Aškinytė
Analysis of Ethical Problems Based on Theory and Practice of Logical Thinking: An Educational Model
Guillaume Caillaud
The Disco+ Project and Critical Thinking
Daiva Jakavonytė-Staškuvienė & Jovita Ponomariovienė
Expressing Critical Thinking Among Primary School Teachers When Creating an Educational Environment That Provides Opportunities for Students to Set Short-term Goals and Reflect on Them
A. Diržytė, V. Indrašienė, V. Jegelevičienė, O. Merfeldaitė, D. Penkauskienė, J. Pivorienė, A. Railienė & J. Sadauskas
The Role of Perceived Importance of Critical Thinking Skills and Self-reported Critical Thinking Skills for Work Engagement
Simona Kontrimienė
The Interplay Between Critical Thinking, Emotional Touchpoints and Personalised Learning: Experiences from Two Erasmus+ Projects
Evelina Burokė
Critical Thinking Beyond Disciplines: How to Measure the Immeasurable?
Loreta Zavadskienė
Complexity Theory-Based Insights Into What Is More Important in Higher Education: Critical Thinking or Reflective Thinking? Or Both?
Karolis Ažukaitis
Critical Thinking as an Essential Skill of Physicians in Training
Agnė Jakavonytė-Akstinienė
Nurturing Critical Thinking in Nursing: How to nurture and develop critical thinking in nursing students
Rita Payan Carreira
Advancing Clinical Excellence: Nurturing Critical Thinking Skills in Medical Education
Indrė Čergelytė-Podgrušienė
The Importance of Critical Thinking in the Development of Practical Skills in Nursing Students
R. Payan-Carreira, R. Silva, H. Rebelo, L. Sebastião
Participatory co-design of critical thinking blended interventions: Bringing the workplace into the classroom
H. Rebelo, L. Sebastião, R. Payan-Carreira, F. Tirapicos, A. Cristóvão
Can Critical Thinking Reduce the Gap Between Universities and Labour Market? A Study with Focus Groups and One in-depth Interview with Veterinarians
Marija Truš
Critical thinking of nursing students: developing an essential skill
Tom Hashimoto
Can we teach Economic Ethics to AI?
G. Melnik-Leroy, G. Dzemydaitė, L. Aidokas, G. Dzemyda, V. Marcinkevičius, D. Melnikienė, A. Usovaitė
CognitiveSTATS: an E-Platform for Advancing Statistical Literacy and Critical Thinking Skills
G. Dzemydaitė, G. Melnik-Leroy, L. Aidokas, G. Dzemyda, V. Marcinkevičius, D. Melnikienė, A. Usovaitė
Is my visualization better than yours? Analyzing factors modulating exponential growth bias in graphs
Tomas Karpavičius
The Ethical Economist: integrating justice and equity into economic decisions
Tahmineh Khalili, Saeed Ketabi, Dimitris Pnevmatikos
Development of Critical Thinking, Creativity and L2 Reading through Online Group Problem-Solving Tasks for Undergraduates of Finance
Mark Hennessy
Teaching Critical Thinking: Believe Half of What You See and None of What You Hear
N. Čiučiulkienė, I. Tandzegolskienė-Bielaglovė, M. Čuladienė
Development of Critical Thinking through Phenomenon-Based Learning: Experiences of Foreign Language Teachers
Handan Çelik, Nalan Bayraktar Balkır
Debate as a Pedagogical Tool for Verbal Communication Skills at the Tertiary Level: Does it Offer More?
Inna Samoylyukevych
Critical Thinking as a Conditio Sine Qua Non for University-Level Foreign Lan-guage Teachers' Professional Development
Iuliu Rațiu
Teaching Self-Assessment in Business English Classes
Natalya Mikhailova
Transformative Pedagogy in Liberal Arts: Developing Metacognitive Compe-tences via Translation
Inga Rozgienė
Effectiveness of the Course English for Academic Purposes and Research: The Learner Perspective
Gitana Irnienė
Reflection on Language Teaching Process from Critical Thinking Perspectives
Vilma Kardauskė, Danutė Belazarienė
Developing Critical Thinking Skills in Writing Summaries in English
Roma Valiukienė
Critical Thinking as a Path to a Well-grounded and Aware Individual
Edita Butrimė, Silvija Rakutienė, Dalija Gudaitytė
Developing Creativity as a Precondition of Critical Thinking in Language Studies at the University of Health Sciences Using Non-traditional Activities
Linara Bartkuvienė
Critical Thinking Through Literary Criticism or Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird
Grant Matthew Rosson
Beyond Listening and Speaking: The Role of Writing in Fostering Critical Thought in Literature Students
Loreta Chodzkienė
Interweaving Critical Thinking Skills, Reflective Writing, and Intercultural Communicative Competence: Their Role in Intercultural Education
Mykolas Lekevičius
The Role of Logic in Reasoning: An Argumentative Theory
Paul Nanu
Eyes Without a Face and Bodies Without Limit. The Actuation of the Mad Scientist
Svetozar Postic
Development of Critical Thinking Skills in Literature Classes
Tomas Riklius
“At first I thought it would be boring”. Critical Thinking in Classical Studies
Tomasz Wysłobocki
The role of old literature in shaping self-awareness and social skills of students
Ovidiu Ivancu
Critical Minds at Work. Deconstructing “Waiting for the Barbarians”, by J.M Coetzee
Tudor Roșu
How Do We Celebrate a National Hero Today? The Transylvanian Avram Iancu and his Bicentennial
Rimas Norvaiša
Critical thinking in school mathematics
Jurgita Markevičiūtė
Critical Thinking in Statistics and Statistical Literacy
Julija Grigorjevaitė
Encouraging Critical Thinking in Chemistry Classroom
Tatjana Jevsikova
Critical Thinking in Informatics Education: Developing Computational Thinking
Laura Giniūnienė
Fostering Critical Thinking in University Classrooms With Action-oriented Approach
Asta Statkevičienė
Value-added Experience Through Just a Step Aside
Katherine Ruprecht
Culturally Responsive Approaches to Teaching Information Literacy to Secondary and University Students in an AI-Accessible World